Tuesday, February 26, 2008


when we bought this house we bought it for the "bones." i wanted to live in UP (brandon did too even though he won't admit it) and we couldn't afford much in the size we needed. so, we bought a house with the floorplan and location that we loved but needed some TLC (not too much this time) but we could be lived in quite comfortably until we fixed things up the way we like them.

first things first...brandon (the guy LOVES demolition) HAD to get rid of all the trees. the back yard had a HUGE pine tree that created so much shade, grass could not grow. so, the trees went within the first month of living here. one by one, brandon has removed the stumps (on his own). but the BEAST in the back yard proved to be too much even for BP to handle.

i don't know how he does it, but he got some guys who were working down the street on a new neighborhood to agree to come take out our BEAST stump.

here's a play by play...

no doubt, that stump was a true BEAST! i bet you're wondering what we did with it...


Laura Call said...

Holy smokes... that is unreal! Brandon is quite the likeable person to pull off talking a guy into bringing his scoop tractor (or whatever that is) down the street to your house... seriously, who does that?? Oh, BTW, you're probably wondering why I'm on the computer while your daughter's at my house but don't worry, I gave them some markers to play with and they said they'd watch Chloe for me... ;)

Molly Gehring said...

Go Brandon. What is it with him. He always "knows a guy". Bonfire baby...

Mandy said...

We need to stay in better touch with you guys...love checking out your blog. I'm not showing Bart these pics...he wants to do some tree removal from our yard - your blog entry confirmed what I'm afraid of...it's never just a simple tree pull out. That sucker was HUGE!

Jyl... said...

Hey, I can't believe Isla has a loose tooth. Madison got 10 quarters because she is learning about groups of 10's at school. Or maybe it was because that is all the tooth fairy had!!!!!! "No paper money" hahaha

Kjrsten said...

Let me guess, Brandon got out his hatchet and chopped up the stump and took a load of fire wood over to Grandpa's cabin?

Alisa said...

Good thought Kjrst-- or did he build a fire in your backyard and cook you dinner on it that night-- roasted weiners and smores?
What a schmooser-- don't think I got that gene.
That's awesome though- loved the documentation. Did Isla LOVE it?

Julie said...

That was one big hole and it's GONE now! So awesome. As for Brandon's powers of persuasion--amazing. I didn't get that gene, either! Wish I did!

Bronwyn said...

Hello Cousin!
Someone was just telling me the other day how big McCrae is. And then I find your blog and he is so big and fat. I LOVE fat little babies so very much. He is so cute!How do you keep yourself from kissing him every second of the day?

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed - turns out Brandon is all charm - aye? Hoorah - no more stinkin' stumps! What have you done to the inside of the house?

Rachel said...

That is such a HUGE hole! Go Brandon!

Jenna Harris said...

HOLY COW!! You've got to post the "rest" of the story.

sher said...

We live less than a quarter mile away...can Brandon send the tractor this way...we need a hole dug for a trampoline we just inherited (maybe the guy needs some dental work done)
Glad to see your a blogger Anna-we've been missing out!- add us to your blogger friends: