Wednesday, March 5, 2008

what makes me happy

it has been a rough week. last thursday i came down with the flu. aches, chills, nausea (thankfully, no vomiting), coughing, sneezing...the works. and i am just NOW starting to feel better. there's been some other drama (or trials) in our lives lately. so, i have been feeling pretty darn low. but today, i decided that i only need a couple things to be happy...


Rachel said...

Your smiling beautiful children always make me smile too! We are on the countdown-less than 30 days until we move-I"m sure we'll be up to Tacoma soon after so I can't wait to see your cute kids again!

Molly W. said...

Oh Anna I'm so sorry! We've been sick over here to and its awful! I wish I could be there to, also...send me an email and catch me up on whats going on toots!
Will be sending some prayers your way. Love the updated pics. xo

Kjrsten said...

that makes me happy!

laurag said...

glad you're feeling better and even more glad that you have such wonderful and beautiful children...three cheers to cute kids!!

Jenna Harris said...

Hang in there. Cold and flu season is almost over.

enickel said...

You need to send your cute Isla over here to play with Emily sometime. Glad you are feeling better!

The Price's Wife said...

Wish I could see what makes you happy, but for some reason all I see is two rectangles. I'm guessing it's something obscene like Brandon's junk, am I right? Am I? Hope things are looking up in Washington for you!