be aware, i am about to post many a post and will try to date them when they actually HAPPENED.
first, let me just say that last week was crazy. it started on the 4th of july...
mac wasn't feeling well. he and i left the party early (7:30) to get some rest. i put him in bed, laid on my bed and was out. lame. i never thought i could BE this person. the REAL me would never miss a if my life depends on social events...well, it used to anyway. but i was so tired!
macrae apparently had hand-foot-mouth and by the time we took him to the doc for what we thought was an ear infection (OH, and he had that too) we was diagnosed with hand-foot-mouth, allergies, and eczema. we were given a steroid for the eczema which turned out to be a breading ground for hand-foot-mouth making it more like head-shoulders-knees-and-toes (also his arms, between fingers, legs, oh, and diaper area).
then isla woke up friday with a freakish tumor on her jaw, right under her ear. she said it hurt. she had a fever. i gave her some advil and watched her. it grew. crazy. twice the size by lunch. the fever was going crazy. there she is swimming in my mom's pool with her teeth chattering. so we went to the doctor...where they were "pretty sure" it was just a swollen gland. they acted a bit baffled. infact, the doctor even called in a second doctor to take a look at it and see what he thought. VERY reassuring. although they had no idea why it was swollen since she hadn't been previously sick or showing signs of a cold they didn't send us to the hospital right away. she got a high dosage antibiotic shot and we were told to come back the next day. AND if it wasn't better the next day, we would be seeing ourselves to the ER to have a CAT-scan and thave it drained. seriously?
the next day the fever was gone but she still couldn't eat and the tumor had not gone down at all. so the doctor was optimistic and told us we could get on an oral antibiotic and wait another day to see what would happen to the size of the swelling.
luckily, the next day it was down. she has been feeling better and her cheek is returning to normal. she seems fine. however, i did take her in for a blood test today just to make sure something crazy is not going on. and well, isla having her blood drawn with the squirrely veins she was blessed with...that was so fun for us!!
Aghhhhhhhhh. I'm so sorry Anna!! You are a good mom, we all know. :) I'm glad your babies are on the mend.
Woe, crazy stuff going on with you. Lumps and bumps anywhere are scary, and Hand Foot Mouth Head shoulders Knees and Toes! Poor fat baby. I hope that you all stay healthy and well!
you didn't pass out during the blood test?! I am proud of you!
So much going on for a pregnant mama trying to enjoy her summer! Sorry for the chubbs and and isla, she;s a tough cookie swimming in the pool with a tuma (it';s not a tuma!) on her neck!
I can't wait to see some pics/updates, your trip to I-da-ho, you-da-pimp, etc...
I never got my pic of the boy upside-down-cake out foxed by midge again, trying to steal the lime light from the chubbs act! I hope he isn't sick of doing it the next time I visit!
Wow, those aren't your run of the mill childhood sicknesses. Poor little ones! I'm glad they're feeling better and hope you are soon, too. Or you're at least not so tired. Ya, I know that probably won't happen soon, huh?
You get the supermom award this week-crazy crazy!
Man, I do not envy you during that week! Poor kiddos... poor mommy! It's been great seeing you a couple times this week... you look awesome!! I'm so glad your cute kids are finally feeling better. And you don't even look a day pregnant, miss skinny!
k, so those crazy conditions are not ideal in addition to coping with this heat & pregnancy-ugh! glad you survived & just admire your motherhood more as result for being such a trooper through it all in one week! hope you can enjoy a break from the madness...if it makes you feel any better, we spent night @ Mary Bridge last week as well 'cuz Cole got grape stuck in his throat or so we thought even though nothing came out of trachostomy=fun stuff!
Hope everyone's feeling better by now!
oh poor little-big guy!
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