Wednesday, December 5, 2007

the non-blogger

i have been slacking lately...

my only excuse is that i have been trying to get some sleep. the boy is now sleeping (sometimes) 6 hours at a time at night. so, instead of staying up on the internet, i am hitting the pillow. much better for me!

but i do need to report...i lost another fact, i am now down 5 pounds total. yippee!!

and, if you are interested, my sister-in-law is now a blogger so check her out...

she's trying to lose weight also...and has been inspired by all of you WW ladies!! so, thanks to you, she's getting on track! much love to ya!


The Price's Wife said...

You're doing great crabby mc-slacker. I am SO impressed with your stick-to-it-ivness. I officially can NOT get my butt in gear enough to LOSE any weight these days so YOU are MY inspiration. (You know our love was meant to be... The kind of love that lasts forever. And I want you here with me, from tonight until the end of the baked goods...)

Alisa said...

Yeah the weight loss thing is killer. I am not so great at giving up the treats or really depriving myself- but I do like to workout. If I could just deprive myself a bit more I would drop weight. If I keep reading your blog I will stay inspired. Your picture of you Macrae and Isla is so cute and your face looks thin!

Crabby McSlacker said...

Sleep is not an excuse, it's a necessity!



(Sometimes I forget that, but I don't have a baby and can always make up for it).

Congrats on the 5 pounds! (And on the adorable kids).

And I love that diet coke called you a crabby mc-slacker!

Unknown said...

You ROCK the weight loss! You are totally on track to reach your goal! I want to say I'm inspired by you, but I have yet to move the scale (for very obvious reasons -- I'm not trying!). Next year, next year...