Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs

I decided that I would try a new way of cooking the eggs this year...and I'm not sure if they turned out because we haven't eaten them yet.  But I basically baked them at 325 for 30 minutes.  WAY easier than boiling, cooling, and drying.  Supposedly the yokes turn out more tasty this way. I am thinking deviled eggs for lunch tomorrow?? hm.

Anyway, here's a montage of photos from coloring our eggs.  We totally went old school with the dye and vinegar.  Nothing fancy like tattoos, stickers, paint, tie-dye, etc...too much work for me. HA! I do believe that Rhettsy loved it the most.  He was a little obsessed and we actually colored a raw egg just because he couldn't get enough.  They were his babies as you will see in the photos.

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