Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some things have happened

a few months ago i was having daily headaches/migraines.  life was stressful and difficult. so i started seeing a massage therapist who was amazing and ultimately led me to a chiropractor who put my body back into alignment and i started to feel better.  the headaches were gone, life was normal.  but a couple weeks ago, they returned.  sure, i could have gone back to weekly massage and chiropractic care.  but i am a busy mom.  and honestly, i just couldn't see myself living my life hitting up two appointments every week for the rest of my life.  so i decided to make some other changes.  i also live with anxiety.  and i started researching how what you eat can effect your body other than just in terms of fat/muscle.  sure, many of the studies i have read contradict each other.  everyone has their own theory on whether or not veganism or vegetarianism or raw foodism or whatever is healthy.  and i am neither one nor the other of these things.  i am trying to cut out things that have preservatives and chemicals in them.  i just want to live without headaches and anxiety.  so i changed my diet a little here and there.  and it's working.  i haven't had a headache in 2 weeks.  i'm not strict.  but i'm working on changing some of my habits.  i hope not to become one of those weirdos who won't eat at family functions.  you know what?  who cares anyway.  one thing is for sure.  i love to cook.  i love to bake.  and i still love food.  but my world is changing here.

(sheesh, don't think i'm all weird. last saturday i ate all kinds of deep fried zucchini and other shameful appetizers.)

here are some of the recipes i like:
a salty snack
a chocolaty craving
a summery salad

oh, and i can go a day or two without a single sip of diet coke! gasp!


Bella Dyer said...

good for you anna! i could use a little of that disapline for sure...d.c. is so dang addictive...and sugar too!

Molly W. said...

Oh friend, I don't want you to suffer! I hope you are on the mend for reals this time. xoxo