this year's trip to the Puyallup Fair was a bit crazy! not only did we choose to go on the last Saturday but also, the only sunny and hot day! i have never seen it so crowded. ever. i'm not kidding, there were some barns you couldn't even get into! and don't even ask about the lines for rides and food. (let's not talk about the 50 person line up for scones!)
also, brandon had been sick all week and wasn't feeling up to going, so it was just me, isla and macrae.
but we made sure to get our krusty pups, scones, and ice cream as well as hit a few rides and see the sheep and cows.
macrae loved this one!
macrae had high hopes for this one but i think he was a little confused about riding backwards in order to use the guns
always a favorite, it's like chuck e cheese in a box.
this was the best ride of the day!